Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Profiles in History

Dear Puppy,

Here's a link you might want to read for learning the History of the World.


I'm sorry I'm copy pasting one for my post, but it's worth it.

Baby V.
"Tell me why you cry and why you lie to me eee" - Beatles

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

John Abra Man

Dear Baby Vaijayanti,

El KP tan may be your favourite super hero, but mine is without doubt his drinking buddy John AbraMan.

Allow me to list out John AbraMan's super powers:

1> Can hypnotize ladies instantly by running his hands through his hair.

2> Can smell beer within a 2 mile radius, and will walk the two miles to get it also.

3> Is impervious to cold.

4> Can morph into his alter ego, Chunky Pandey, whenever he detects the presence of Pure Evil(tm).

5> Is the very opposite of a kleptomaniac. In fact, he would gladly donate the (expensive, designer) jacket that he is wearing to someone who deserves it. (This may also be because he is impervious to cold, but John Abra Man needs to socialize with style and this is not possible without a jacket.)

6> Arrives just when people need him the most.

7> Remembers lyrics to Pink Floyd choruses.

Of course, whenever El KP tan and John Abra Man get together, evildoers quake in their chappals. I hope we get to (vicariously) experience more of their adventures.

Your pet,

Puppy Manohar.

"We're coming to your house; we'll help you party it down" - Grand Funk Railroad

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

El KPtan

Dear Puppy,

Let's bow to our super hero. El KP tan.

He lives on Grunge;
He preys on fun.
He is the most powerful
Under the blackhole sun.

So hark, O fool.
He comes for everyone;
For dog and for man,
For bread and for bun.

Chant his name
and come undone.
El KP tan!
El KP tan!

Baby V.
"And they say that a hero will save us" - NickelBack.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Free After All

Dear Puppy,

I am not sure if we will get the chance to grow up.

Baby Vaijayanthi.
P.S: "Oh my sleeping child..."- Michael's Lamest Time Ruled.