Monday, November 16, 2009

Dynamic Religiosity at Run time

Dear Puppy
Today for the first time in my life, I was asked to state my religion. Ofcourse, it was asked by a secular institution which has made it clear that it does not care about religion. The answer however was mandatory.

I wrote XNOR.

There is 1 fundamental principles of relgion XNOR.
1) If you are an X and you consider me an X, then I am an X.

2 fundamental principles of relgion XNOR.
1) If you are an X and you consider me an X, then I am an X.
2) If you are an X and you consider me Y (where X!=Y), then I am not Y.

Amongst the fundamental principles of relgion XNOR are
1) If you are an X and you consider me an X, then I am an X.
2) If you are an X and you consider me Y (where X!=Y), then I am not Y.
3) If I am X. I WILL criticize and deplore X (and only X)
4) I do not "believe in X".


I am coming again...