Years ago one people invented something that Europeans travelled across the globe to trade in. There is one state that has that substance in abundance. This state will soon start harvesting it.
Today, all people who cultivate that substance will celebrate and pray to the God of that substance. The ultimate substance of superiority.
Here's our salute to Pwnesh, The god of Pwnage.
Happy Pwnam to all the haves and have beens of the world of pwning.
Do you wanna get pwned?
Baby V and Puppy M (I am assuming you are with me on this one. puppy?).
Authors' Note: Onam is the harvest festival of most people from state of Kerala. We do not intend to criticise, mock or undermine the beliefs nor the symbols and spirituality thereof. This post is a product of a random creative outburst, a central theme of the blog. If anyone finds this post offensive. Do inform us, we shall remove it. A reason, though not mandatory, if provided, would be appreciated.
i know this is gonna be offensive but as you have read the post.. i shall remove it too, if complained about
Keralites actually pronounce Pwn as Porn or vice versa.. so the god of..
should have been the godess of ...
in ne case its unisex.
"Only god knows why"
-Kid Rock.. Bid for a sock
Pwnam. Pwnesh. Awesome. I bow to thine creativity.
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